
Hey guys;

Sorry for not posting for a while, there hasn’t been much going on throughout the holiday so far…

But…as August arrives, I had begun to realize that…changes in my life is setting in, and at a rather rapid pace as I found myself being forced to adapt to a somewhat college life, or rather, a kind of a preview of what a college life would be as the Maths summer course sets in. Now it’s 3 weeks into the course and with this week being the final week, I can say that I’ve adapted rather well, but I’m sure that more changes are underway as term 1 of my first year draws closer. It was only now that I begun to realize that…nothing will ever be the same again and that it is virtually no longer possible to reverse these changes unless if I go back in time, which is of course not possible.

Perhaps the most drastic change of all is that…I have to find new friends to hang out with, as…yeah, the class of 2015 from STA had been virtually broken up and everyone is now scattered across the vast lands of the Earth, and virtually everyone is at least thousands of kilometers away from me, in different time zones. There is a chance of reunion in December though, as one of my class of 2015 friend has told me not long ago, but with everyone at different universities and with their December holiday starting at different times it is hard to predict when the reunion will occur, and in what form; whether it will be a residential trip or just a whole-class reunion lunch/dinner in Bangkok or somewhere, and the question whether the whole class will be informed is another matter as…I doubt, not everyone uses Facebook, or at least, check Facebook that often.

Now, in terms of upcoming events…I’m looking forward to the MUIC welcome camp/event, which…depending on the event and who organized it could be fun. If it is a residential trip, that would be even better as I can then, hopefully, rate it as the best event of 2015, though I have to keep in mind that this trip will not be like the past residential trips as it’s not organized by teachers but purely by students and so the quality of accommodation may not be as nice, but I’m sure it won’t be as bad as the second phase of the Chiang Mai trip in March last year. Also there is a possibility that this may not be the only residential trip, if such trips will ever occur, as stated above the STA class of 2015 reunion may actually turn into a residential trip, which means that there would be 2 residential trips to consider for the position of the best event of 2015, though I can also do what I did last year, combining residential trips into a single event.

Anyway, that’s it for now…

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