First week after the residential trip…not so bad

Hey guys; So, it's the first week back in school after the amazing year 12 residential trip to Kanchanaburi. I must say, this week was not so bad at all, however there are a number of annoyances, mainly linked to Valentines gift order service, organized by some year 12 students. The Valentines gift order service …

The best event of 2014!

Hey guys;So, I'm finally back from the year 12 residential trip, and I must say, it's the best residential trip yet! There were many fun activities, and I enjoyed all of them.For this trip, me and the rest of year 12's stayed at Wangdum Mountain Camp. The camp wasn't too bad, although a bit basic. …

Residential trip begins on Monday

Hey guys;So, after about a yer or 2 of no whole-year group residential, it is back. The year 12 residential trip is about to begin! This year, the year 12's are going to Kanchanaburi, the same place that my year 8's went there 4 years ago, but this time we're staying in a camp rather …

First week of term 2; not so bad…

Hey guys;So, the first week of term 2 has passed, and...I can say, it's not too bad.Most importantly, the details of the upcoming residential trip was finally revealed, and from the details the trip seems very exciting, and possibly more exciting and fun than the year 10 residential trip! The hotel that the year group …

Christmas holiday has finally ended

Hey guys;So, after 3 weeks, the long Christmas holiday is finally coming to an end. Next Monday school will start, and marks the beginning of term 2, a term that I think I can describe it as full of exciting trips, mainly because there are 2 big residential trips, and there are chances of smaller …