A second prom and an amazing hiking trip

March 23rd, 2024 EST Hey guys; Yeah, two events in one post. Normally for a day trip like today I would dedicate an entire post to it, but since there was an event just before the trip I decided to just combine everything into one post. I'll first start with the prom. The second prom …

A very enjoyable and informative residential trip

March 15th 2024 EST Hey guys; Title says it all; I'll leave it just that. Diary entry is below, and here's the PDF version, with good formatting and stuff. For the PDF version I decided to use double-spacing for line spacing and font size of 12 because I think it would be more readable. 9 …

A wonderful prom

March 3rd, 2024 EST Hey guys; As the title says, there was a prom, last night to be exact. The fact that it took place just two days after my birthday celebration is pretty cool I must say. This event, officially called "36th Annual Rapheal M. Prevot, Jr. Barristers' Ball" is basically a prom. Since the …

A pretty successful birthday celebration at my dorm

February 29th, 2024 EST Hey guys; It's my birthday, and...this year it's on February 29th. In the past two years I would have someone put together a birthday celebration and there would be lots of food, and I don't really have to worry about logistics, like getting enough plates and utensils for everyone... ...But what …